Wednesday, July 18, 2007

An Honest to Goodness Reflection

I posted a comment on the post below this one that I think it would be good to hear from nonPTEP/Perfect 10 participants. I still stand by that one. We would love to hear questions and comments from you all. Especially now when we are all so close to burning ourselves out! We need some encouragement.

I have decided to post a personal reflexive journal item from today's class. Almost every class, we are encouraged to write a personal journal about how our research is going. Its a great idea and I see the benefit to this once the school year starts and our attention is pulled away from these projects. The journals will serve as a reminder of the focus of our research and the passion that began the process. This one is reflexive and honest. It doesn't mean the end of the project or the passion. Its just a reflection of where I am now in the process. I am still excited about the project even without good direction!

07/18/2007 - Entry 5 - What new information about research did you learn today that will help you to complete your action research study? or What decisions are you tentatively considering for your: role as the researcher; participants; setting; data collection; establishment of trustworthiness?

I can't answer this question in the way it is asked. I guess I am having trouble piecing all this together. I feel that my current question is too vague and yet too narrow in some ways. I also don't know why it is so hard for me to formulate a question. I have a lot of questions I would like to research but I also feel that my feelings and biases are worming their way into my questions.

I feel like I am trying to write a question that will convince my campus of my worth. I am not looking forward to going back to work for many reasons but mostly because I don't have an office and this isn't of some alarm to anyone but me. I also know that I will be adding new roles to my job description and not removing any old ones. This will of course lead to a quick and glorious burnout!

In many ways, I feel that I am trying to answer a question that doesn't need to be answered by research. Maybe it can only be answered by therapy. ;)

I don't think this answers the guided question asked for this reflexive blog but this is what I think and feel about my research. I know my role as researcher, my setting, and how to establish trustworthiness and rapport. I can't select my data collection tools yet or my participants because I don't have a good idea of my question yet. I think all I have is a group of subquestions.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Reflection Time

I just wanted to leave a space where any of the PTEP people could post their own "ponderances" about this new week. If you have any comments or ideas to share with everyone, put them here. Is there anything that has really challenged you this week? Have you found something in any lesson that really struck you in some way?

Also, very soon my carpool group will be starting a podcast of our daily talks to and from school. We have such interesting conversations that I think would be a great thing to share as we decompress after each class or homework assignment. I will post a link here once we get the ball rolling.

Post away!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Semester II, Week 1

We wrapped up our presentations last week at Dr. Summer's home. It was really exciting and empowering to see everyone pull their philosophies together with the research questions. The "recital" (I call it that!) was really fun and it was exciting presenting not only to each other but to members of EEF, Eanes ISD, and our new professors.

So, we started fresh this week with 2 new classes and 2 new teachers. Our first class of the day starts with Dr. Bos and is "Strategies and Models for Teachers". This class seems to be a rehash of our undergraduate studies on teaching strategies. It remains to be seen how this class will tie to our research project. Its only day 2 as I post this; but the class is really different than our time with Dr. Summers.

So far, I have learned to outline each chapter according its objectives. This means that the textbook outlines the framework of the class. According to the syllabus for the class, we will go chapter 1 to chapter 2 to chapter 3, so the textbook is the frame for each day's work.

For some in the class, this is a good thing because it is a "blow-off" class. For me, I feel it is a cheat in a way because I can outline a textbook pretty well on my own without having to pay a university for the opportunity. I hope there will be more "meat" in this class and that it isn't a repeat of Foundations for Educators that I took back in 1994 as part of my undergrad degree plan.

On the more positive side, we are learning examples of group strategies through our day-to-day activities. So far it looks like each day's chapter will be taught by Dr. Bos using a different strategy. The first day's strategy was direct instruction. Today's strategy used the Jigsaw II method. Tomorrow....well I will be on pins and needles waiting ;). In a week or two, we will each have to present a lesson using one teaching model. Whee!

So then we all break for an hour lunch before meeting with Dr. Bond for Action Research.

Yesterday we learned about him and he learned about us by using a method to move us around the room. Certain sections of the room were designated as letters A-D and then questions were asked where we had to pick an answer and group ourselves together in that area. For example, the question could be about our favorite type of food: A. American, B. Italian, C. Mexican, D. Other (like Chinese which was my choice). If your answer was A, B, or C - you moved to that location where A, B, or C was located. It was a fun activity and we learned even more about each other in the PTEP program.

Dr. Bond's class is tied to our research problem. He is going to help us with the ACTION part of our research - taking it to the next level and creating the tools and instruments to gather our data. Something in my notes I wrote about this class was Dr. Bond's reassurances that we all need "time to ponder". Teachers aren't given time to read something and then digest that information. He really stressed the need to teachers to ponder and discuss research items.

Key issues in day one were figuring out the purpose of action research and defining what AR really is. Today, we read two articles from action researchers and compared them to readings we did in Dr. Summer's classes. This activity today really soothed everyone by pointing out that not all action research is so scholarly or academic. I think we have all been thinking that our research has to look so professional that we have been stressing out over it all.

Today, we read two different qualitative articles that were completely different. We learned about flexibility in writing and that some action research articles are very personal and not affecting a generalized population. This was exciting to see and discuss. We also discussed the idea of "academia" and how there is a gap between research and classroom practice.

I believe the idea that Dr. Bond discussed about how there are some academians who are interested in bridging the gap between research and practice was very inspiring. It was really good discussion and we defined action research ourselves based on contributions by each class member about what we thought Action Research stood for. I have a definition that lists over 12 different characteristics we used to define how action research looks to us.

Can you say "dichotomy"? Can you see how these two classes are completely different based on just my description? Perhaps other students would like to comment....

I think I have written enough and probably mashed some toes. Classmates, do you have anything to add?